Rebuilding and Upgrading the Corvette L-48 Engine | Part 4

Even though Sunrise Automotive is closed on weekends, Mark (the shop's owner), decided to come in on Saturday for a few hours in order to start installing some of the parts that were powder coated by Topp Coat in Orange City, Florida.

He called me Saturday afternoon and asked me to come in to see something. Of course, my first question was, "What's wrong?" Well, thankfully nothing was wrong, but Mark felt that the a/c brackets looked horrible next to freshly powder coated parts. And they did.

Above: Freshly powder coated a/c brackets are on the left side.

After I left Sunrise Automotive, I stopped by Topp Coat, and, luckily, John was there, so I explained that I'd have a few more parts needing gloss black powder coating on Monday. And of course, this would be a rush job since Mark wants the car to be done by mid-week.

John said that he'd do his best, and I am confident he can deliver.

Fast-forward to Tuesday and, after dropping off the a/c brackets yesterday, John called me today to let me know they were done. How's that for super-fast service!

I rushed them to Sunrise Automotive and John and Billy wasted no time getting them on the motor, and what a sight that motor is.

Above: The alternator fan, pulley and nut also received fresh powder coating.

Above (2 photos): Spark plug wire shields were powder coated gloss black.
Exh. manifolds look great in "cast" ceramic coat finish. Notice the fresh Grade 8 hardware. 

Above: The fuel line was powder coated a while ago.

Above: Topp Coat Powdercoating did an incredible job.

Billy got the new exhaust manifold studs installed after drilling out a couple that snapped off. I am sure that was no fun. He's also been busy prepping the a/c compressor for paint, which will receive a fresh coat of semi-gloss black VHT paint.

Mark also called earlier today to suggest we replace the spark plug wires, so I ordered a set from Eckler's Corvette, and they should be in tomorrow.

At this point, there's no way I am going to try to save a few bucks by not ordering parts that should be replaced now. The spark plug wires run behind heat shields I had powder coated, so this is the perfect opportunity to get that job done.

I am pretty sure the wires on the car are the original ones, and after 40 years they are due to be replaced.

I have a big trip coming up in a few days and I am not sure if the car will be taken to the shop before or after that, so stay tuned for the next update.

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